Our efforts focus on supporting lifelong learning especially for those who may be vulnerable to disinformation or digital exclusion. Our primary goal is to develop and promote a government-endorsed national media literacy strategy for Australia, which will:
AMLA members collaborate to enable the development of a united approach to media literacy in Australia, to the benefit of citizens.
- State the importance of media literacy for all in society
- Articulate the achievements and challenges in the Australian context
- Provide direction for educators and curriculum development
- Raise awareness and encourage a whole-of-community response.
We will achieve this through:
- Drawing attention to the critical need for government involvement in media literacy as a national priority.
- Research to identify the priority areas to be addressed by a national media literacy strategy.
- Bringing together voices in the media literacy field to collaborate with government to identify the challenges and opportunities and to carry out the foundational work for a national strategy.
- Advocacy for investment in high quality media literacy education the development of world-class programs and resources and awareness-raising campaigns to alert the Australian public to this need.
- Supporting media industries to understand their impact on society and to contribute to media literacy efforts.
- Creating a network for organisations engaged in this field at all levels (local regional state and federal) promoting a united stance (one message multiple voices) and opportunities to work together.
Download the National Agenda for Change
Download the Media Literacy Framework A4 factsheet and A3 poster.