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AMLA MEDIA RELEASE – 16 December 2024

MEDIA RELEASE – 16 December 2024

The Australian Media Literacy Alliance (AMLA) is delighted with the announcement that the Australian Government is committing $3.8 million dollars towards a co-designed National Media Literacy Strategy as part of new funding to establish the News Media Assistance Program (NewsMAP).

As Australia’s peak media literacy organisation, AMLA looks forward to contributing to the co-design process for the new National Strategy.

AMLA has advocated for the need for a national media literacy strategy supported by Government funding since our formation in 2020, based on our research and national stakeholder consultations.

AMLA’s vision is to enable a media-literate society that is equipped to face challenges and seize the opportunities in a world increasingly defined by media and information abilities.

Our 2021 report, Towards a National Strategy for Media Literacy, drew on a national survey of 3510 Australian adults about media use, attitudes and abilities, as well as a national consultation process. The consultation involved six workshops across Australia, with 121 media literacy stakeholders representing 89 organisations. The report provides a set of recommendations to inform the development of a national Media Literacy Strategy.

Since this report has been published, AMLA has consistently advocated for a co-design process to develop a national media literacy strategy, including in our submission to the NewsMAP consultation process.

AMLA also strongly welcomes the support being provided to news media and community broadcasting. Together these funding initiatives will support a well-informed public who are able to fully participate in our democracy.

Media Enquiries: Anita Planchon +61 401 065 023